Monday, July 1, 2013

Enjoy the Fireworks!

Happy Birthday Lisa!

It's Lisa's birthday. Since she has five kids of her own and hears all kinds of crazy child-talk all day every day, it seemed like it might be less fun to have my girls answer questions about her... I figured we'll forgo that this time and just go with all the fun pictures. BONUS: Pictures are not limited to the lifetime of my children. We'll go back many, many more years for this post. :)

Happy Birthday, Lisa. I hope you've had an excellent day with plenty of fireworks.

1 comment:

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Haha. So you know the picture of the three kids sitting on the old brown couch in what I would assume are Halloween costumes (I know there was a clown costumes). Our family has a VERY similar picture as this, clown costume and old brown couch and all. Made me smile. Those were fun pictures.