Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Highchair Thief Strikes Again

I made homemade noodle soup for lunch one day last week when Jane was sick. That particular meal does create a bit of a mess as it involves alternating rolling out dough and sprinkling the dough and the countertop with flour to keep things at a manageable level of sticky. Messy, yes, but worth it for the food.

Not quite so worth it, however, if Benjamin gets a hold of the flour cup.

Why are they always so proud of themselves?

Oh, for a reasonable place to put the highchair so it wasn't right next to the counter...a.k.a. the joys of apartment living.

1 comment:

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

You have to admit that grin is priceless though.