Friday, May 3, 2013


I am finally, at long last, posting about the bed that Christopher built.

It started...honestly, I don't remember when it started. Chris and I have filled many an hour dreaming about building our own house, with every element just exactly how we want it, even to the point of considering designing our own floor plans. Since building such a house is still years down the road, we shifted at some point to designing and building a bed instead.

Almost two years ago now, Chris purchased all the wood with help from his uncle Bruce. They sanded and planed it all.

And it sat for the better part of a year, thanks to the adventures pursuant to Ben's birth.

It was thanks to Power 90 that Chris really dug in and got going on the bed. For months, our garage was a woodworking shop--just as the original owner designed it to be.

I am still amazed at the timing of this project. The finish was sprayed on literally the day before the movers came to pack our house and haul everything--including the brand-spanking-new bed--to Albuquerque.

We "tested" the mattress on it in the midst of moving chaos, but we never actually slept on it until we were officially residents of New Mexico.

Now, we have an absolutely gorgeous bed, built entirely from scratch by my amazing husband.


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Way to go Chris. That really is impressive. And oh so fun to be able to say he built it himself.

Ruby in the Rough said...

Wow, that is gorgeous! There are tables in the Seattle Temple with that basket-weave design and I LOVE them. Good job, Chris!

Tannie Datwyler said...

LOVE it!!