Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nicole is THREE!

Happy THIRD birthday to Nicole Kathleen! A few thoughts from Audrey and Megan...

What is your favorite thing about Nicole?
A: That me and Nicole like to play tag a lot.
M: Playing with her.

What is your favorite thing to do with Nicole?
A: My favorite thing that I like to do with Nicole is play with magnets with her.
M: Run with her.

What is Nicole's favorite food?
A: Macaroni, I think.
M: Chicken.

What is Nicole's favorite song?
A: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. But I don't know about that.
M: Praise...uh...the temple song.

What is Nicole's favorite movie?
A: Her favorite movie is Tinkerbell.
M: Rapunzel.

What is Nicole's favorite place to go?
A: To Grandpa's house.
M: The restaurant!

What is Nicole's favorite toy?
A: Nicole's favorite toy is magnets.
M: Rapunzel.

What do you like the most about Nicole?
A: That she plays with me.
M: Picking flowers with her.

What do you miss the most about Nicole?
A: That she's so cute that I want to have her as my child.
M: Not playing with her.

What do you want to tell Nicole for her birthday?
A: Happy Birthday Cole. I want to give you my old pajamas that don't fit me anymore.
M: Give her presents from the store. Happy birthday! And I will sing the song happy birthday.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Audrey cracks me up..."she is so cute that I want her to be my child." Where does she come up with this stuff :)