Thursday, July 14, 2011

In the Backyard

The girls needed a little extra distraction today, so I sent them outside with water and paintbrushes.

It worked wonders on their attention span, right up until Megan started chewing on the paintbrush and Jane dumped her water all over her sister. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted.

When I was pulling those pictures up on the computer, I found myself scanning through several others that I've taken in the last month or so but never posted. I want to post them now so they don't get lost in the grand excitement that I'm sure will be the next couple of weeks.


And this is how Megan spends most of her nights sleeping. I guess that's the way to go when you share a room with someone who doesn't stop talking, even when it's time for bed.


Molly said...

ha ha ha love that photo of her sleeping under the pillow! Kids fall asleep, or sleep in the funniest positions/places.

Alyssa Harper said...

lol! That is SO funny! I love the way kids sleep. :)

Tannie Datwyler said...

Love LOVE the pictures. I'm praying for you and the version - I'll be thinking of you all day!!