Saturday, February 4, 2012

Karmic Siblings

Picture this...

holding the ribbon bookmark of a hardbound book
spinning and twirling all around the room

getting too close

hello, second black eye

recovery consists of pillow, blanket, cold rag, and baby brother

Picture this...

not an hour later
in the bathroom

trying to intrude

slamming the door

smashed and bleeding finger

recovery consists of pillow, blanket, cold rag, and bandaid

leave it to sisters to keep the universe in balance


Tannie Datwyler said...

This makes me smile. :) Those girls!! I love that one of Jane's recovery items was baby brother.

Brenda said...

Megan seems like she took her injure a little harder. Ben is getting so big. I feel like I need to visit!

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Oh my goodness. Sounds like you have had an interesting day. One of those... interesting, dramatic kind of days. Hope things go smoother from here on out.