Friday, February 17, 2012

In Case of Emergency

Chris and I have been working on re-evaluating our financial situation and setting goals that will be most advantageous to our family in the coming years. Not the most fun to post about, but I will say that it feels really good to know that we'll be done with student loans long before the estimated 10 years and that we'll be able to still have fun along the way. (Moab, we're coming!)

Ironically, one of our goals required spending over $5,000 in one shot--and not on loans. But, if we find ourselves in a state of emergency, we at least won't go hungry.

We purchased a family supply of food storage from Daily Bread. The food is freeze-dried, requiring only water to reconstitute. It has a 30-year shelf life and, possibly more importantly, it actually tastes really good. That's good when it comes to not letting my kids starve.

And, I'd like to note, picking up said food storage comprised our Valentine's Day holiday celebrations. Amy took Ben to work with her and I dropped the girls off (we even had an extra one) at Liz's house--Thanks again!!--while I went to pick up the food since it wouldn't fit in the van with all the car seats. Lucky me, I happened to drive past Chris's work and when I called to say hello, he decided to come with me. Yay! Spontaneous date!

(You know you don't get a lot of alone time when picking up food storage at a warehouse, unloading it at home, and driving back to work is considered a date.)

A moment to brag: I carried all those boxes downstairs myself. They weigh 20-30 pounds each, and there are 14 boxes. That was at least 28 individual trips on the stairs. It certainly covered my workout for the day.

In other news, Ben can sit up now. Life is much more entertaining when your head is more than five inches off the floor.

This is Madisyn. I watch her now Monday through Friday.

My goodness, she is the easiest child I have ever babysat. Often a lot easier than my own, even. Jane and Megan have fully adopted her. She blends right in--except for that adorably curly hair. I always wished I had curly hair instead of boring old straight hair. Sigh.

And...I had this picture on my camera from an Elders' Quorum game night. Have a good laugh. You're welcome.

P.S. Happy Birthday to Sarah!


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

I still think its funny you spent that much on food storage since I just told Karl I thought that was crazy to spend that much at one time. Apparently you guys are on the same brain wave. Maybe I should be listening... :) love the picture of Ben.

Tannie Datwyler said...

That food storage idea sounds appealing to me... have it all done in one go and have it actually taste good?? Sign me up... but now the trouble is convincing Richard.

That little girl you babysit is a little doll!! I'll bet it's fun for the girls to have someone else to play with.

I love the picture of Ben sitting up.

And by the way - you made my day that you noticed my bar stools. :) I didn't blog about them (they weren't really blog worthy) but they have made my life SO MUCH easier. I love to feed the kids there.