Thursday, April 14, 2011


I don't know about you, but this seems like an uncomfortable position to sleep in, with your arm all skewed out weird to the side.

But, after four weeks, Megan is now cast free as of yesterday!


She was pretty cute at the doctor's. She just sat and watched while the cast was removed, without a sound of complaint. Once the nurse left and we were waiting for the doctor to come go over the new x-rays, Megan kept rubbing her arm and showing it to me.

She found the cast on the table and tried to put it back on. Must have felt weird to have it gone. But, we're over it now. ;)

I think someone who had to live with a cast for a month deserves some kind of treat, right? And what do you get for the girl who lives to eat fruit?

Jamba Juice. It's the first time she's had her very own and let me tell you, it was a big hit. She even figured out how to use a straw just for the occasion.

Let's hope that we are done with broken bones. Forever would be nice, but at least a couple more years...keep your fingers crossed that our boy isn't an accident-prone daredevil.

And just because I can, here is a cute picture taken while Chris was singing bedtime songs to the girls. I like my family.


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Yay for Megan. That is so funny that she tried putting it back on though :) What a silly goose.

Meghann said...

That's so cute! I love the photo of her rubbing her arm.

Brenda said...

I hope my family will be cute like yours. Megan is just too cute.

Alyssa Harper said...

So cute! And great idea with the Jamba Juice. I bet it made her day. :)

Tannie Datwyler said...

Hooray for no BURNS this time, right? And my kids LOVE LOVE Jamba Juice too.