Saturday, July 10, 2010

Inedible Monkeys

...the scene...

Chris and I are in the kitchen, making dinner. Jane and Megan are quietly playing in the playroom down the hall.

...the sound...

Megan screaming. A very obvious "something is wrong" kind of scream.

...the situation...

Jane was shoving playdough in her mouth.

The best part? The playdough is kept in a drawer, inside a cupboard, well out of Jane's reach. How did she get it? She dumped all the toys out of the dresser drawers and used them as stairs to climb inside the cupboard. So there are toys and books everywhere, including things Jane is not supposed to have, Megan has a handful of playdough in her mouth (and still manages to be screaming) all while Jane politely explains how she did it, without any remorse or fear.

Apparently she believes in the old addage,

It's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.


Britta said...

You have your hands full. If she's this cheeky as a 2 year old, just think how 'good' it'll get when she's a teenager!

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Oh no. You definitely do have your hands full with that girl. What a funny girl.