Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Georgia Chronicles

Hello, hello. Did you miss me?

Yes, we did in fact move into our apartment. Between unpacking and a nasty kidney infection that popped up for me, blogging has dropped down on the list. But I'm back for tonight.

To wrap up the traveling, here is one last sleeping in the hotel picture:

Ben seems to get a kick out of drooling on other people's pillows.

And, moving on to moving. Ha. That's like a pun.

I spent the vast majority of moving day standing in this corner, checking off each box as it was brought inside.

Last time we moved, there were a handful of boxes/numbers unaccounted for. To prevent that happening again, we removed every sticker as it came in. By the end of the day, we had every single sticker. It was lovely to know right away that we weren't missing anything. Even if the moving guys thought we were a little weird for being so thorough.

After two weeks in the apartment, we are basically unpacked. There is still a mountain of empty boxes filling up my living room, and I'll postpone the tour of the new place until they're gone. I will give you a bit of an outside tour, though.

If I could describe Georgia in one word: GREEN. Remember how stinkin' brown Albuquerque is? Atlanta is the epitome of opposite. Ah, I'm loving it. This, my friends, is the view out our living room window.

We went for a family walk after church on Sunday. Out the door, through a parking lot, and straight into this.

Honestly, we're just surrounded by green. Happy sigh.

There are even some green animals we've come across. This turtle showed up right outside our apartment.

And I found this lizard on the van's tire when I was picking up Audrey from the bus.

Other than the greenness, I don't yet have a whole lot to say about living here. It's the beginning of a new place--no friends yet, not leaving the house much. Our apartment is a bit isolated, the basement level on the back of the building, so I generally don't see a single person who lives in our building. We're still adjusting to that. Well, I am. I don't know if anyone else cares.

We are slowly but surely getting settled in, though. We've had some cute moments, like Ben falling asleep at the table.

And Megan giving the family a meditation lesson. She was super cute.

Ben's imitation, on the other hand, came out looking rather deformed.

Seriously, I can't help but laugh every time I look at these pictures. Ha.

Anyway. We're still here, we're still alive. And we're starting to like living in Georgia.


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

I have missed you, actually. I love hearing on about the goings on of your life. And those kids of yours. They are just too funny. The picture of Ben asleep at the table is hilarious. How did he stay sitting straight up???

Deborah said...

That is a seriously cool pic of the lizard. I love the color contrast.

Tannie Datwyler said...

That does look like a lovely place! I'm glad you are settled. Here's to hoping that friends and feeling comfortable are just around the corner.

Michael and Amanda said...

I love the south! I'm glad you like the green. And the rain storms with warm, big raindrops and awesome lightning without the worry of a fire. Ah, I'm jealous, but only a little. Don't forget socks with shoes, even sandals, anytime you're in long grass. And invest in some, a lot, of hydrocortisone cream for the bug bites. I hope you guys enjoy the winter. Lots of rain, should be like Washington for ya. I'm glad you're there, it's such a nice break from Albuquerque.