Thursday, December 13, 2012

For Grandma Karrie's Birthday

 Happy Birthday to Grandma Karrie! In celebration, I thought I'd let Jane and Megan each contribute more to the honorary blog post.

1. What is something Grandma always says to you?
J: Thank you for saying happy birthday when I say happy birthday to her.
M: Clean so we can get a treat.

2. What makes Grandma happy?
J: When I tell jokes to her.
M: Us seeing her at home.

3. What makes Grandma sad?
J: Hitting.
M: Me not going to her house.

4. How does Grandma make you laugh?
J: Tickling me.
M: Tickle me.

5. What was Grandma like as a child?
J: I don’t know because I wasn’t born yet.
M: She went to her Grandma’s house.

6. How old is Grandma?
J: 16. She can drive.
M: 4.
7. How tall is Grandma?
J: As tall as Amy.
M: This big like Amy.

8. What is Grandma's favorite thing to do?
J: Tickle us.
M: Cooking.

9. What does Grandma do when you're not around?
J: I don’t know. I’m not there.
M: Find us.

10. If Grandma becomes famous, what will it be for?
J: Making cookies or making noodle soup or giving us a surprise treat.
M: For finding us.
11. What is Grandma really good at?
J: Cooking. Making noodle soup. Good at giving us two pieces of noodle soup.
M: Playing hide and seek.

12. What is Grandma not very good at?
J: Not very good at just holding tons and tons of kids.
M: Taking us anywhere.
13. What does Grandma do for her job?
J: Clean the house.
M: She works.

14. What is Grandma's favorite food?
J: Chicken noodle soup.
M: Eating cereal.
15. What makes you proud of Grandma?
J: Giving her kisses.
M: Being happy.

16. What makes Grandma proud of you?
J: When I give her kisses.
M: Being happy.
17. What do you and Grandma do together?
J: We like to go on dates on my birthday.
M: Play games.

18. How are you and Grandma the same?
J: We are the same because we both love each other.
M: She has a kitty shirt and me have a kitty shirt.

19. How are you and Grandma different?
J: I’m a girl and Karrie’s a grandma.
M: Me don’t go to work.
20. How do you know Grandma loves you?
J: Because she likes it when I come over all the time.
M: Cause me love her.
21. Where is Grandma's favorite place to go?
J: Grandma Petty’s house because that’s her mom and dad’s house.
M: To the bagel store.

Happy Birthday!


Britta said...

That was so sweet! I may have to steal these questions...

Brenda said...

You have some pretty smart kids!

Lura said...

This is so cute!

Cluff Family said...

That was super cute! I love that they said she loves to go to the bagel store. When we were at Primary Children's Hosp. a couple years ago with our daugher...your mom brought us a box of bagels :) Happy birthday cousin Karrie!!!

Karrie said...

Thank you! I love those girls (and their Mom)!


Tannie Datwyler said...

This is very clever. :) And fun to read.

Tannie Datwyler said...

This is very clever. :) And fun to read.