Sunday, March 17, 2013

What my Daughters say on my Birthday

1. What is something Mom always says to you?
J: Clean my room.
M: Thank You.

2. What makes Mom happy?
J: When I listen to her.
M: Happy Birthday songs.

3. What makes Mom sad?
J: When I do not listen.
M: Not hugs. That makes mom sad.

4. How does Mom make you laugh?
J: Tickle me and playing tag with me
M: Jokes.

5. What was Mom like as a child?
J: She was a kid with glasses.
M: Nice child.

6. How old is Mom?
J: two eight.
M: I don't know.

How old do you think she is?
M: Six. 

7. How tall is Mom?
J: 50 and a half.
M: This big.

 8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
J: Ride bikes with me.
M: Play with kids.

9. What does Mom do when you're not around?
J: She does her own stuff.
M: Play hide and seek.

10. If Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
J: I don't know, she would know more stuff. Like me but I'm only five and I know a lot.
M: Being nice.

11. What is Mom really good at?
J: Making macaroni and cheese and noodle soup, and at finding me in hide and seek.
M: Counting.

12. What is Mom not very good at?
J: Doing things that I tell her to do and guessing things that I ask her to guess.
M: Climbing up on Jane's bed.

13. What does Mom do for her job?
J: Help us earn a new house.
M: Play hide and seek.

14. What is Mom's favorite food?
J: Spaghetti.
M: Macaroni and cheese.

15. What makes you proud of Mom?
J: Sometimes she guesses the right thing that I ask her to guess.
M: Playing with us.

16. What makes Mom proud of you?
J: When I clean my room and make my bed and do all the stuff I'm supposed to do.
M: Giving her lots and lots of hugs.

17. What do you and Mom do together?
J: We go out during dates.
M: Play hide and seek.

18. How are you and Mom the same?
J: We usually both have a dress, sometimes we wear matching dresses.
M: Wear the same dresses, green dresses.

19. How are you and Mom different?
J: Mom has glasses and I don't have glasses.
M: Mom doesn't play with the kitchen things.

20. How do you know Mom loves you?
J: Because I was the first one born.
M: From getting her hugs.

21. Where is Mom's favorite place to go?
J: Chinese restaurant.
M: Wal-Mart.

Happy Birthday to me!


Brenda said...

I love it when you do these! Have you been playing hide and seek a lot lately? I forgot how little they used to be when a new baby would come. Crazy how time flies.

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Your girls are quite funny. :) That was fun to read. I hope your birthday was completely awesome!!!

Tannie Datwyler said...

I love this - so cute. The pictures are very fun as well.

Alyssa Harper said...

Lol! Your girls are so cute. I smiled through this whole post.