Monday, July 25, 2011

The Week Before THE END

I've kept myself as busy as possible in this last week. We've had several playdates (not all of which involved eating out)...

I made hair bows for my girls to wear to the wedding...

I donated my house for arranging of wedding flowers...

We spent two evenings watching our neighbor's fireworks...

and Chris and I watched Harry Potter.

We watched all seven movies over the last week, and tonight we went on our last baby-free date in the near foreseeable future. First we went to Cafe Rio. Can you guess which plate belonged to Chris and which belonged to nine months pregnant me?

Then we saw the last Harry Potter movie in the theater. Yay! My only issue with the movie was the very, very end...I really wanted them to have a huge


at the beginning of the credits. I mean, it took them, what, 10 years to make them all? Isn't it significant that it's really done now?

Or maybe I was just projecting my pregnancy feelings onto the movie. That could be it.

As Chris has repeatedly pointed out throughout today, we're having a baby tomorrow. Here is my official "end of pregnant" pregnancy picture.

We are going in tomorrow morning for the c-section. Let's hope it goes well. But don't worry, we have extra things to look forward to beyond just that baby. Jane has had quite the list going of things that will happen once the baby gets born. Let's watch and see how many really happen...

When the baby gets born...

Jane will marry Super Why.

Jesus will come.

She will get another birthmark on her other eye.

Megan will learn to talk.

Bill will give her a magic dress.

She and Megan will sleep at Grandma's house until we're done with the baby, then we'll put him back in Mom's tummy and go home.

See how much excitement we have coming?


Alyssa Harper said...

Lol. That list is beyond hilarious! Seriously, I was laughing out loud by myself. What a cute little gal!

Molly said...

I was sorta disappointed, okay REALLY disappointed with the HP ending. I felt it would have been better for them to use different actors for the HP characters as adults. They all just looked way way too young. Especially Ginny! Good grief. And it seemed shorter than in the book. Plus HP looked sorta like a pedophile. Just saying. Ewww. All in all though I am sad its "over" Best wishes tomorrow with your little guy!

Les said...

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see pictures of your new baby!!