WARNING: contains spoilers
My labor and delivery story is looooooong and involved. I know that there are many out there who want all those nitty gritty details--if you are one of them, read the post below this. If you just want the quick bare bones story, read on here.
My labor and delivery story is looooooong and involved. I know that there are many out there who want all those nitty gritty details--if you are one of them, read the post below this. If you just want the quick bare bones story, read on here.
We came in to the hospital at 10:30 Tuesday morning. The doctor intended to do another version in hopes of getting the baby turned around then induce labor, thus avoiding a c-section. First thing they did was an ultrasound and SURPRISE! he had already flipped on his own. He was head down, so they induced using pitocin.
After three and a half hours, all contractions stopped entirely. A couple hours later, following much discussion of options, we started a new medication to further labor along. Once I had had three doses, they checked me again to see if I was dilating and SURPRISE! he was breech again! He had completely flipped back around, his head back in my ribs (causing some pretty intense back labor, incidentally).
At this point, I was given the option of trying another version and continuing the induction, doing a c-section because he was breech, or going home to see if he'd turn back again and I'd go into labor naturally (or be induced next Tuesday). Since we had already been at this for 16 and a half hours and I no longer had any confidence whatsoever in being induced, I opted for the c-section.
And thus it was that Ben was born the morning of Wednesday the 27th, by c-section, despite all our planning and efforts otherwise.
But he's still way stinkin' cute.

I'm SO sorry! Sounds like what happened with Priya... Kinda. That much labor only to end up have a c-section is disheartening. Glad he's here and healthy!
He is so cute! Congrats!
I read them both and heard your story in person. It's nutsy friend!
CKP= California Pizza Kitchen. Me=lazy
Hi back to your sister :) I love lurkers
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